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Hoboken (NJ) - USA

7-8-9-10 September 2023

The 1st edition of "ITALIAN SPORTS LEGENDS" took place in Hoboken from 7 to 10 September 2023, thanks to the precious collaboration offered amicably by the "Madonna dei Martiri" Society which made it possible to include the event during the days of Hoboken Italian Festival.  The initiative was designed to bring together athletes, sports enthusiasts, children, young people, experts and institutional representatives, to share success stories, promote cultural understanding and celebrate the profound impact of sport.

Despite the bad weather, the activities planned in the program were largely carried out, except for the "Toys for Kids" Family Race which was cancelled.

The exhibition dedicated to the 17 Legends of Italian Athletics was set up in a gazebo along Riverside Park, with panels depicting images of the athletes and a QRCode providing further details on their careers.

The screening of the docu-film "Nineteen and Seventy-Two" in honor of Pietro Mennea was originally scheduled on the megascreens of Ciao USA TV, but was canceled due to the damage caused by bad weather to the electronic equipment. The film was subsequently shown in a public venue.

The "Sport Village" also had to deal with the persistence of adverse weather conditions, forcing the organization to extend the activities to the following week. On Sunday 17 September at Pier A Park in Hoboken, recreational and motor activities were held regularly, albeit with a small audience, aimed above all at children, who appreciated the various disciplines offered, including archery, bowls, mini golf and vortex launch. The last two disciplines have also received particular favor among the adult public.

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Hoboken, September 2023

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